On Friday's The Daily Show, Jon Stewart talked  with revolutionary socialist  Gihan 'Gigi' Abrahim. Over on Seven Sharp Mike Hosking was wasting our time...

ON FRIDAY night's The Daily Show, 7pm , Comedy Central (Sky 15),  Jon Stewart interviewed Gihan Abrahim.

Gigi Abrahim is a well known Egyptian journalist and activist. She is also a revolutionary socialist and Stewart introduced her as such.

The American corporate media shuns people who are any more 'left'  than Barack Obama  and The Daily Show is probably the only mainstream American show that would welcome Abrahim as a guest. Indeed she has been on the show on several occasions

And it was an interesting interview, where Abrahim outlined  her thoughts  on the issues and struggles facing the Egyptian revolutionary movement.  The interview, for me, highlighted again the wasteland that New Zealand news and current affairs has become.

Over on the corpulent and flatulent Seven Sharp, National Party cheerleader Mike Hosking thought he was being absolutely hilarious engaging in meaningless banter with a  studio cameraman about studio lighting and camera angles. It was about as funny as  me stubbing my big toe on a chair leg. No, I tell a lie - it was less funny.

Then there was an item about a drag queen. Another show covering all the big issues, obviously.


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